Monday, February 13, 2012

Paisley Dress

So I have been very tired and stressed out lately with school and everything. I had to work Saturday at the store and was going to wear heels but opted for this more casual outfit instead. I have seen girls where dresses with tights and cowgirl boots before but really don't know how I feel about it still... something is kind of off but oh well. I wore it anyway and a lot of people liked it. Also I can officially say I am addicted to pintrest now thanks to my mother who sent me an invite. (Like I have time for anything else these days) Can May get here any quicker?! I passed my test this past week so I went on a shopping spree (kinda) I got this dress and a shirt at Belks for $15 all together and went to Kmart on Sunday and found a cute blouse for $9. My kind of deals! Kmart has the cutest things now, such a change from when I was younger and got picked on for wearing Kmart and Walmart clothes. Now people complement what I wear and how much I spend on such great looking outfits. :)
Dress: Belks $7
Belt: Charisma Boutique $9
Tights: TJ Maxx $5.50
Boots: c/o Charisma Boutique


  1. Hi Jessica!!!! I'm a spanish girl but i live in Belgium :) I have discovered your blog today, and is cute, but I write to you to make an advice...... the photos are too much little and the outfits are not well seen.
    Congrats for your blog!!! :P
